Privacy & Policy

This Salix Privacy Policy (this “Privacy Policy”) is designed to provide transparency into our
privacy practices and principles that we put in place when we collect and use the personal
data or our website’s visitors and users of our applications, in a format that you can navigate,
read, and understand. Salix Dijital Pazarlama Anonim Şirketi with a registered office at Çifte
Havuzlar Mah. Eski Londra Asfaltı Cad. Kuluçka Merkezi D2 Blok No:151/1F/1B08 Esenler,
İstanbul (“Salix”, “we”, “our” or “us”) is the data controller for the collection and use of the
personal data of our website’s visitors (collectively referred to as “you” or “your”) who use our

This Privacy Policy describes the treatment of your personal data provided to and/or
collected by Salix on our website ( It also explains the treatment of your
personal data provided or collected through our applications.
Salix strives to comply with applicable privacy law in the jurisdictions where it operates
(collectively referred to as the “Data Protection Laws”). These include the EU General Data
Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and Law on the Protection of Personal Data (“LPPD”)
The Privacy Policy addresses the following topics:

1. Types of Information We Collect
2. How We Collect Your Personal Data
3. Use of Your Personal Data by Salix
4. Sharing Your Personal Data with Other Companies
5. Your Rights
6. Data Security, Integrity and Retention
7. Changes to this Privacy Policy
8. Comments and Questions

1. Types of Information We Collect

According to the Data Protection Laws personal data is any information that identifies (either
directly or indirectly) a particular individual, such as the individual’s names, postal address,
email address and telephone number.

We collect the following categories of Personal Data:

● Registration information you provide when you download our Applications and create
an account, including your first name and surname, country of residence, gender, dte
of birth, email address, username and password and your marketing
communications’ preferences. This includes also your email address or telephone
number, when you ask us on our website to send you the link of our Applications.
● Face Data that we collect and process data from user photos solely for the purpose
of generating AI face swap images within our app.
● Personal Data you provide when you link your profile on a third-party site or platform
with your registration account, including Apple, Facebook, Gmail or other email
● Transaction information you provide when you request information or purchase a
product or service from us through our Applications, including your postal address,
telephone number and payment information.
● Personal Data you provide when you engage with us on third-party sites or platforms
such as social networking sites including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube,
such as your name, your username and other profile information.
● Location information when you visit our website or use our Applications, including
location information either provided by a mobile device interacting with our website or
Applications (including through cookies or web beacon technologies), or associated
with yourIP address, where we are permitted by law to process this information.
● Usage, browsing and technical data, including your device identifier or IP address,
when you visit our website, use our Applications on third-party sites or platforms,
agree to receiving push notifications by us or open emails we send you.

2. How We Collect Your Personal Data

We collect Personal Data you provide to us when you request products, services or
information from us, install our applications, register with us or other activities on our website
and Applications, respond to customer surveys, contact us directly or through our website’s
contact forms or otherwise interact with us. Please keep in mind that when you provide
Personal Data to us on a third-party site or platform (for example, via social networking sites
or app stores), some of the Personal Data you provide may be separately collected by the
third-party site or platform. The Personal Data we collected is covered by this Privacy Policy
and the third-party site or platform collects is subject to the third-party site or platform’s
privacy practices. privacy choices you have made on the third-party site or platform’s privacy practices. Privacy choices you have made on the third-party site or platforms will not apply to
our use of the Personal Data we have collected directly through our Applications.

3. Purpose of Processing of Your Personal Data by Salix

Salix uses your Personal Data for the following purposes;

● To provide you with the Applications, information and services you request and
manage your account, based on the performance of an agreement we may have with
you or in order to enter into an agreement with you;
● To fulfill its promised functionality, the Applications requires processing face data.
This data is processed locally on the user’s device and securely transmitted to our
proprietary API service for temporary processing. The generated AI face swap
images are stored locally on the user’s device and in their app history. No residual or
identifiable face data is retained beyond the processing session.
● To communicate with you about your account or transactions with us and send you
important information about features on our website and Applications or changes to
our terms or policies, based on our agreement with you, our legal obligations and as
necessary for our legitimate interests to retain a transparent relationship with you;
● Consistent with Data Protection Laws and choices and controls that may be available
to you:
○ To send you offers and promotions for our products and services or third-party
products and services, based on your consent.
○ To personalize content and experiences, based on your consent adn/or our
legitimate interests to offer you a better experience when using our website or
○ To provide you with advertising based on your activity on our website and
Applications and on third-party sites and applications, and to inform our
marketing strategy, based on your consent
To learn more about how we use your Personal Data for
personalization and tracking, please visit our Cookie Policy.
○ To send you push notifications on your device, based on your consent.
● To provide you with technical or any kind of support and answer to any of your
queries, based on the performance of our agreement with you;
● To optimize or improve our Applications, website, services and operations based on
our legitimate interests of improving such products, services and operations in
accordance with our mission and, where applicable, on your consent. WE may also
anonymize your Personal Data for this purpose;
● To administer our website and Applications, including troubleshooting, data analysis,
testing and system maintenance, and detect, investigate and prevent activities that may violate our policies or be illegal based on our legitimate interests of running our
website and Applications and ensuring no violations or illegality is occurring within our website
or Applications and ensuring a safe environment for you, as well as for the purposes of
compliance with a legal obligation to which we may be subject.
Where Salix holds and uses your Personal Data on the basis of our legitimate interests we
have carefully considered how your Personal Data processed to ensure that we carry out
such activities balancing your interests and our interests in the most efficient and effective
way. Salix does not use your Personal Data for activities where our interests are overridden
by the impact on you.

4. Sharing Your Personal Data with Third Parties

We share your Personal Data with local and/or international third parties in limited
circumstances, including:
● When you allow us to share your Personal Data with another company, such as by:
○ Directing us to share your personal data with third-party sites or platforms,
such as social networking sites, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and/or
● When companies need Personal Data to perform services on our behalf; these
companies are prohibited from using your Personal Data for purposes other than
those requested by us or required by law. For example, we share Personal Data with:
○ Google and iOS App Store (these service providers store Personal Data we
○ Application and website delivery and customer service providers;
○ Payment service providers;
○ Analytics providers, such as Google Analytics;
○ IT service providers;
● When we choose to sell, transfer or merge all or parts of our entity. If a change
happens to our entity, then the new owners may use your Personal Data in the same
way as set out in this Privacy Policy.
We may also disclose your Personal Data if permitted or required by law, for example, in
response to a court order or a subpoena, or if requested by a law enforcement, data
protection or tax authority.
Please note that our website and Applications may contain links to other websites not owned
or controlled by us. We encourage you to be aware when you leave our website or Applications and to read the privacy policies of other websites that may collect your Personal Data.

5. Your Rights

You may communicate your requests in writing, regarding the rights of data subject to the
below given address of our Company: Çifte Havuzlar Mah. Eski Londra Asfaltı Cad. Kuluçka
Merkezi D2 Blok No: 15/1F/1B08 Esenler, İstanbul or by e-mail to the following e-mail
address: over your personal e-mail address written on the Contact

Each person has the right to request to us about him/her;

● to learn whether his/her personal data are processed or not,
● to demand for information as to if his/her personal data have been processed,
● to learn the purpose of the processing of his/her personal data and whether these
personal data are used in compliance with the purpose,
● to know the third parties to whom his/her personal data are transferred in country or
● to request the rectification of the incomplete or inaccurate data, if any,
● to request the erasure or destruction of his/her personal data
● to request reporting of the operations carried out to third parties to whom his/her
personal data have been transferred,
● to object to the occurrence of a result against the person himself/herself by analyzing
the data processed solely through automated systems,
● to claim compensation for the damage arising from the unlawful processing of his/her
personal data.

6. Data Security, Integrity and Retention

The security, integrity and confidentiality of your Personal Data are extremely important to
us. We have implemented technical, administrative and physical security measures that are
designed to protect your Personal Data from unauthorized access, disclosure, use and
modification, consistent with Data Protection Laws and industry practices. From time to time,
we review our security procedures to consider appropriate new technology and methods. We will retain your Personal Data for the length of time needed to fulfill the purposes outlined
in this Privacy Policy unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law. To
determine the appropriate retention period for your Personal Data, we consider the amount,
nature and sensitivity of the Personal Data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorized use
or whether we can achieve those purposes through other means.

7. Changes to This Privacy Policy

From time to time, we may change this Privacy Policy to accommodate new technologies,
industry practices, regulatory requirements or for other purposes. We will provide notice to
you if these changes are material and, where required by Data Protection Laws, we will
obtain your consent.

8. Comments and Questions

If you have any comments or questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at or via the contact us page of our website.
Alternatively you can write to us at:

Salix Dijital Pazarlama A.Ş, Çifte Havuzlar Mah. Eski Londra Asfaltı Cad. Kuluçka Merkezi
D2 Blok No:151/1F/1B08 Esenler, İstanbul

This policy was updated 12.08.2024.
